Strategic Objectives

Reach as many people as possible: Making sure people have better understanding of mental health and how they can support themselves and others.

We will

  • Expand service provision by providing more one to one services, enabling people to learn about their mental health, giving people the right tools to help them support themselves and others.
  • Develop new services which tackle contributing factors to poor mental health such as loneliness and isolation, including community support, Peer Support and Groups.
  • Continue to develop a culture of inclusion and remove barriers to support.
  • Provide high quality training to people working with adults and children and young people with mental health problems in a wide range of settings across Conwy and North West Wales.
  • Increase volunteering opportunities across the organisation.
Raise awareness and tackle stigma across our communities.

We will

  • Improve awareness of mental health across communities through a range of channels and community events.
  • Champion the voices of people with lived experience, empowering people to use the voice for change through developing a range of influence and participation opportunities.
  • Make sure that the right information is available across a range of settings, media, and community spaces.
  • Recognise our strengths and the strengths of others to look at opportunities work together to find lasting solutions.
Develop and expand services for children and Young People aged 11 -25 and for those who support them.

We will

  • Grow the availability of one-to-one support for children and Young People from ages 11 -25.
  • Develop new services with young people which are easily accessible and flexible.
  • Work more closely with schools and colleges to increase mental health.
Build an organisation which is fit for the future and best placed to respond to opportunities ahead.

We will

  • End the cycle of short-term funding and fund what works.
  • Develop new income streams, increasing fundraising income and unrestricted income to continue to provide services which people tell us work.
  • Grow the Board of Trustees to ensure a range of experience and perspective, reflective of the communities we support.
  • Plan, research and develop our approach to include Ynys Mon and Gwynedd
  • Recognise the value of our people, celebrating their contribution and involvement towards making Conwy Mind a great organisation to be a part of.
  • Consider environmental challenges when designing our services and aim to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Raise awareness of environmental issues and champion the benefits of the environment for people’s mental health.

Our Funders